Thursday, May 28, 2009

Week One

We are more than a week into our biking adventure! Yesterday we woke up wet outside of Lincoln, New Hampshire from the large amount of rain the tent could not withhold. We had two options: Stay at the campground and wait it out while being wet and cold or suck it up and bike 52 miles in the cold rain to get to Brian's friend's warm apartment at Dartmouth. We were told it would rain 4 days straight. We procrastinated in the warm laundry room (not yet doing laundry in a machine though) until 1:30 and then decided to go for it. When I stop talking that means I am either hungry or mad. I was both and not talking much except for the occasional joke. We were both miserable, but had good humor about it. Brian repeatedly told me he understands if I want to go home. I said I will at least go to Wisconsin because the nearest airport was probably a couple hundred miles away... The weather didn't get any better. We stopped for a snack once. We sat at an old church porch on the ground with an emergency blanket wrapped around us. I asked if it was possible we get hypothermia. I was a little concerned. We were at an intersection and no one stopped. If I saw two bikers looking as pathetic as we did - and trust me- we did, I would have taken them home I hope! The bike ride lasted over 6 hours. Too cold and wet to eat breakfast or lunch, Brian had a bag of oreos and I had a box of wheat thins to sustain us the entire day. I tried to focus on continuing to peddle. There were many hills - some lasted a couple miles at 12 % grade. Not fun going up and very scary going down with the wet roads and limited shoulders. My road bike tires get scary with the water and the weight of the panniers. Visibility was extremely low. We decided we should not ride in the rain any more... Now that yesterday is behind us, I'm so glad we went for it!!! We made it to Dartmouth and slept indoors last night at Jon's apartment. It was the first night I didn't wake up cold, damp or wet in a week! We had a real meal last night - Thai food! And now we are hanging out here for the day with Jon and waiting out the rain! He is definitely taking care of us! There have been some amazing people we have met so far. We keep going back and forth on the route with a couple from England who is doing a 2 year cycle trip. They are amazing! I wish I lived near them so we could hang out! Check out their website Very very fun couple to talk to! And Abraham, we can't forget about him! He was a Mainard who let us sleep behind his town's church. Called the pastor and everything. Then he brought us the key to use for the night. The next morning he shows up at 7:30 on his bicycle ready to ride with us! He showed us the better back roads to take with less hills and entertained us with his many many stories! He is a motorcycle rider who hadn't ridden a bicycle in years! He rode with us for 34 miles on his mom's old Shwinn bike from the 70's. He bought new tires and a seat for it after meeting us the night before without ever telling us his plans. So great! After 34 miles he turned around and headed home. He was a 24 year old good egg! I'm excited to see who else we meet along the way. Another lady in the bathroom at a campground said she will be praying for us every night! And to all of you - thanks for all of the prayers and encouragement! It helps a ton! Trust me. I will try to get some pictures up here somewhat soon! -Jacquey


Anonymous said...

HI Jacquelyn!!! You are AMAZING!!! I would have given up. Hang in there - it sounds like quite the adventure. I told everyone here at work to read your blog. xo Shauna

Anonymous said...

wow, you really do amaze me. i would have given up. keep going